Latest Projects

Reading Climate

Funded by the Australian Research Council, Melbourne Climate Futures, and Stella

Climate change has been identified as the major crisis facing the world, and a core issue for young people.

Addressing the climate crisis in education requires interdisciplinary approaches that reflect the urgency and scope and scale of the situation. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander narratives provide new perspectives on interactions with Country, climate change, facilitating reader engagement with Indigenous knowledges and perspectives. While Indigenous writers’ contributions to understandings of climate are well documented, and the power of story to impact on understandings of significant environmental issues is well established, Indigenous writing remains significantly underrepresented in Australia’s secondary school and tertiary curricula.

This Australian Research Council funded project brings into dialogue Indigenous authors, interdisciplinary scholars, English teachers and students through book clubs and public events.

Reading Climate: Indigenous literatures, school English and Sustainable Futures Symposium (January 2022):

This online symposium brought two of Australia’s most celebrated Indigenous authors and a leading geo-philosopher together to consider the power of interdisciplinary collaboration centred on the literary arts in our rapidly changing climate:

Ellen van Neerven
Professor Tony Birch
Professor Kathryn Yusoff

With discussions by Sandra Phillips and Larissa McLean Davies
Chaired by Sarah E. Truman

The symposium was attended by 180 delegates from around the world and hosted by ArtsFront.

Cross-Country Book Clubs with Secondary English Teachers (2022-2023)

With funding and support from Melbourne Climate Futures and Stella, The Literary Education Lab ran a series of online book clubs with teachers from four states across Australia. The book clubs focused on climate literatures and speculative fiction from Mykaela Saunders’ edited anthology This All Come Back Now.


The online book clubs included:

  • Close reading of Indigenous climate fictions by teachers and Reading Climate scholars (Sandra Phillips, Larissa McLean Davies, Melitta Hogarth, Clare Archer Lean, and Sarah E. Truman).

  • Workshops facilitated by Debra Dank.

  • Conversations and questions with authors Ellen Van Neerven and Mykaela Saunders.

  • Group discussions with the Reading Climate team.

Insights from the teachers in the project are being incorporated into teaching resources and provocations.

Reading Climate Symposium (2023) at University of Melbourne

In June 2023, the Literary Education Lab hosted an international symposium of interdisciplinary scholars to think through some of the project’s themes. Funded by Melbourne Climate Futures.

  • The symposium began with an evening public keynote by Professor Kathryn Yusoff. The talk focused on the arts and literatures as modes for interrupting the 'grammars of geology' and included a discussion by Chair of Literacies, Professor Jo Lo Bianco. The talk was attended by 120 interdisciplinary scholars and artists.

  • The symposium continued the following day with:

  • A morning keynote by Professor Sandra Muse Isaacs, a Cherokee scholar from Canada who spoke of Indigenous literatures of Turtle Island;

  • A ‘Geoethics for an anti-colonial earth’ workshop by Kathryn Yusoff based around a Natalie Diaz poem;

  • A round table with author Delcan Fry, Sandra Muse Isaacs, Sandra Phillips, and Larissa McLean Davies with host Astrid Edwards, centered on Indigenous literatures and the secondary English curriculum.

  • The second day was attended by 50 interdisciplinary scholars and artists.

Project Team

"Sarah E. Truman is an Associate Professor at University of Melbourne whose research focuses on English literary education, cultural studies, and the arts. From 2022-2025, Dr. Truman is an ARC DECRA Fellow conducting a project on speculative fiction as an interdisciplinary method for thinking about the world and mode of literary engagement in diverse pedagogical settings. Dr. Truman is co-director of the Literary Education Lab; co-Director of WalkingLab, and one half of Oblique Curiosities. Dr Truman’s most recent book is Feminist Speculations and the Practice of Research-Creation (2022)."

Sarah E. Truman

University of Melbourne

"Sandra Phillips is a member of the Wakka Wakka and Gooreng Gooreng nations of Queensland and Professor of Publishing and Communications and Associate Dean of Arts (Indigenous) at University of Melbourne. Prior to becoming an academic, Sandra had a successful career in Australian publishing and continues to be a widely recognised and valued leader in the Indigenous literary sector."

Sandra Phillips

University of Queensland

"Larissa McLean Davies is Professor of Teacher Education at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne. Larissa McLean Davies leads large-scale Teacher Education research which mobilises partnerships with Government agencies, Education Departments, and not-for-profit organisations. She is the co-convenor of the Literary Education Lab (with Dr Sarah E. Truman), where she leads research which draws together the digital and environmental humanities, literary studies and education around core issues related to teacher professional learning in the context of justice and sustainability imperatives. Her co-authored book Literary Knowing and the Making of English Teachers was published by Routledge in 2022."

Larissa McLean Davies

University of Melbourne

"Clare Archer-Lean is Senior Lecturer in English and Deputy Higher Degree Research Coordinator in USC’s School of Business and Creative Industries. Clare's research is focused on analysis of animals and environment in various cultural artefacts, but also in applied, trans-disciplinary work. Clare's work also explores how Indigenous storytelling provides vital insights into sustainability. Clare is a committee member of Australasian Animal Studies Association (AASA) and on the editorial board for Social Alternatives and Animal Studies Journal."

Clare Archer-Lean

Univeristy of the Sunshine Coast

"Melitta Hogarth is a Kamilaroi woman and is the Assistant Dean (Indigenous) and Professor in the Faculty of Education. Prior to entering academia, Melitta taught for almost 20 years in all three sectors of the Queensland education system specifically in Secondary education."

Melitta Hogarth

University of Melbourne

"Kathryn Yusoff is Professor of Inhuman Geography in the School of Geography at Queen Mary, University of London. Her research examines how inhuman and nonorganic materialities have consequences for how we understand issues of environmental change, race and subjectivity. She is author of A Billion Black Anthropocenes or None (Minnesota Press, 2018); and Geologic Life: Inhuman Intimacies and the Geophysics of Race (Duke, 2024). She is recipient of the 2022 Association of American Geography Stanley Brunn Award for Creativity and will be representing the British Pavillion at the Venice Architectural Biennale 2025. "

Kathryn Yusoff

Queen Mary University of London

"Sandra Muse Isaacs is the professor of Indigenous Literature and a President’s Indigenous Peoples Scholar at the University of Windsor, Canada. Sandra is of Eastern Cherokee (Ani-tsisqua, Bird Clan) and Gaelic heritage. Her first book, Eastern Cherokee Stories: A Living Oral Tradition and Its Cultural Continuance, was released in the July 2019. "

Sandra Muse Isaacs

University of Windsor

"Marcia McKenzie is Professor in Global Studies and International Education in the Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne. Her research includes both theoretical and applied components at the intersections of comparative and international education, global education policy research, and climate and sustainability education, including in relation to policy mobility, place and land, affect, and other areas of social and geographic study."

Marcia McKenzie

University of Melbourne

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Latest Live Event

PROJECT LAUNCH: 'READING CLIMATE:' Indigenous Literatures, School English and Sustainability

Thursday, 27th March 2025, 4:30 – 6:00 pm
Conference Room, Level 9,
100 Leicester St, Parkville and online.
Light refreshments will be served
RSVP: for
in person attendance or to be sent a zoom link.

Partner Organisations

Arts Front
Australian Research Council